images := $(wildcard *.jpg) slides := $(addprefix gipfelweb/slides/, $(images)) thumbs := $(addprefix gipfelweb/thumbs/, $(images)) html := $(addprefix gipfelweb/, $(addsuffix .html, $(basename $(images)))) all: echo "make gipfelweb - create a HTML based we of gipfel oriented" echo "images in the current directory." gipfelweb: dirs $(slides) $(thumbs) $(html) clean: rm -rf gipfelweb dirs: mkdir -p gipfelweb/slides mkdir -p gipfelweb/thumbs gipfelweb/slides/%.jpg: %.jpg anytopnm $< | pamscale -xyfit 200000 600 | convert -unsharp 0.5x0.5 - - | pnmtojpeg -quality=85 > $@ gipfelweb/thumbs/%.jpg: %.jpg anytopnm $< | pamscale -xyfit 200000 200 | pnmtojpeg -quality=80 > $@ gipfelweb/%.html: %.jpg index.gipfel echo tbd index.gipfel: $(images) echo tbd