// // "$Id: GipfelWidget.cxx,v 1.36 2005/07/04 17:39:32 hofmann Exp $" // // GipfelWidget routines. // // Copyright 2005 by Johannes Hofmann // // This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or // modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public // License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either // version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. // // This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU // Library General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public // License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software // Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 // USA. // #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "GipfelWidget.H" static Fl_Menu_Item *menuitems; static double pi_d, deg2rad; GipfelWidget::GipfelWidget(int X,int Y,int W, int H): Fl_Widget(X, Y, W, H) { int i; pi_d = asin(1.0) * 2.0; deg2rad = pi_d / 180.0; img = NULL; pan = new Panorama(); cur_mountain = NULL; mb = NULL; marker = new Hills(); m1 = NULL; m2 = NULL; for (i=0; i<=3; i++) { marker->add(new Hill(i * 10, 0)); } fl_register_images(); } int GipfelWidget::load_image(const char *file) { img = new Fl_JPEG_Image(file); if (img == NULL) { return 1; } w(img->w()); h(img->h()); mb = new Fl_Menu_Button(x(),y(),w()+x(),h()+y(),"&popup"); mb->type(Fl_Menu_Button::POPUP3); mb->box(FL_NO_BOX); mb->menu(menuitems); return 0; } int GipfelWidget::load_data(const char *file) { int r; r = pan->load_file(file); return r; } int GipfelWidget::set_viewpoint(const char *pos) { int r; r = pan->set_viewpoint(pos); set_labels(pan->get_visible_mountains()); return r; } static void draw_flag(int x, int y, char *s) { Fl_Color c = fl_color(); fl_polygon(x, y - 10, x, y - 20, x + 10, y - 15); fl_yxline(x, y, y - 10); if (s) { fl_color(FL_WHITE); fl_draw(s, x , y - 12); fl_color(c); } } void GipfelWidget::draw() { Hills *mnts; Hill *m; int center_x = w() / 2; int center_y = h() / 2; int i; if (img == NULL) { return; } fl_push_clip(x(), y(), w(), h()); img->draw(x(),y(),w(),h(),0,0); fl_font(FL_HELVETICA, 10); mnts = pan->get_visible_mountains(); for (i=0; iget_num(); i++) { m = mnts->get(i); if (m->duplicate) { continue; } if (m == m1) { fl_color(FL_RED); draw_flag(center_x + m->x + x(), center_y + m->y + y(), "1"); } else if (m == m2) { fl_color(FL_RED); draw_flag(center_x + m->x + x(), center_y + m->y + y(), "2"); } else { fl_color(FL_BLACK); } fl_xyline(center_x + m->x + x() - 2, center_y + m->y + y(), center_x + m->x + x() + 2); fl_yxline(center_x + m->x + x(), center_y + m->label_y + y() - 2, center_y + m->y + y() + 2); fl_draw(m->name, center_x + m->x + x(), center_y + m->label_y + y()); } for (i=0; iget_num(); i++) { m = marker->get(i); fl_color(FL_GREEN); fl_xyline(center_x + m->x + x() - 3, center_y + m->y + y(), center_x + m->x + x() + 3); fl_yxline(center_x + m->x + x(), center_y + m->y + y() - 3, center_y + m->y + y() + 3); draw_flag(center_x + m->x + x(), center_y + m->y + y(), NULL); } fl_pop_clip(); } static int overlap(int m1, int n1, int m2, int n2) { return m1 <= n2 && n1 >= m2; } void GipfelWidget::set_labels(Hills *v) { int i, j, width, height; Hill *m, *n; fl_font(FL_HELVETICA, 10); for (i=0; iget_num(); i++) { m = v->get(i); if (m->duplicate) { continue; } fl_measure(m->name, width, height); m->label_x = m->x + width; m->label_y = m->y; for (j=0; jget_num() && j < i; j++) { n = v->get(j); if (n->duplicate) { continue; } // Check for overlapping labels and // overlaps between labels and peak markers if ((overlap(m->x, m->label_x, n->x, n->label_x) && overlap(m->label_y - height, m->label_y, n->label_y - height, n->label_y)) || (overlap(m->x, m->label_x, n->x - 2, n->x + 2) && overlap(m->label_y - height, m->label_y, n->y - 2, n->y + 2))) { m->label_y = n->label_y - height - 1; } } } } int GipfelWidget::set_cur_mountain(int m_x, int m_y) { Hills *mnts = pan->get_visible_mountains(); Hill *m; int center_x = w() / 2; int center_y = h() / 2; int i; for (i=0; iget_num(); i++) { m = mnts->get(i); if (m_x - center_x >= m->x - 2 && m_x - center_x < m->x + 2 && m_y - center_y >= m->y - 2 && m_y - center_y < m->y + 2) { cur_mountain = m; if (m1 != NULL && m2 != NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "Resetting m1 and m2\n"); m1 = NULL; m2 = NULL; } if (m1 == NULL) { m1 = cur_mountain; fprintf(stderr, "m1 = %s\n", m1->name); } else if (m2 == NULL) { m2 = cur_mountain; fprintf(stderr, "m2 = %s\n", m2->name); } redraw(); return 0; } } for (i=0; iget_num(); i++) { m = marker->get(i); if (m_x - center_x >= m->x - 2 && m_x - center_x < m->x + 2 && m_y - center_y >= m->y - 2 && m_y - center_y < m->y + 2) { cur_mountain = m; redraw(); return 0; } } cur_mountain = NULL; redraw(); return 1; } int GipfelWidget::set_mountain(int m_x, int m_y) { int center_x = w() / 2; int center_y = h() / 2; if (cur_mountain == NULL) { return 1; } cur_mountain->x = m_x - center_x; cur_mountain->y = m_y - center_y; cur_mountain->label_y = cur_mountain->y; redraw(); return 0; } void GipfelWidget::set_center_angle(double a) { pan->set_center_angle(a); set_labels(pan->get_visible_mountains()); redraw(); } void GipfelWidget::set_nick_angle(double a) { pan->set_nick_angle(a); set_labels(pan->get_visible_mountains()); redraw(); } void GipfelWidget::set_tilt_angle(double a) { pan->set_tilt_angle(a); set_labels(pan->get_visible_mountains()); redraw(); } void GipfelWidget::set_scale(double s) { pan->set_scale(s); set_labels(pan->get_visible_mountains()); redraw(); } double GipfelWidget::get_center_angle() { return pan->get_center_angle(); } double GipfelWidget::get_nick_angle() { return pan->get_nick_angle(); } double GipfelWidget::get_tilt_angle() { return pan->get_tilt_angle(); } double GipfelWidget::get_scale() { return pan->get_scale(); } double GipfelWidget::get_height_dist_ratio() { return pan->get_height_dist_ratio(); } const char * GipfelWidget::get_viewpoint() { return pan->get_viewpoint(); } double GipfelWidget::get_view_lat() { return pan->get_view_lat(); } double GipfelWidget::get_view_long() { return pan->get_view_long(); } double GipfelWidget::get_view_height() { return pan->get_view_height(); } void GipfelWidget::menu_cb(Hill* hill) { if (hill) { set_center_angle(hill->alph / deg2rad); if (!m1 || (m1 && m2)) { m1 = hill; } else { m2 = hill; } } } void static_menu_cb(Fl_Widget *o, void *f) { Hill *hill = (Hill*) ((Fl_Menu_*)o)->mvalue()->user_data(); ((GipfelWidget *)f)->menu_cb(hill); } void GipfelWidget::update_menuitems(Hills *h) { int i,j; Hills *h_sort = new Hills(h); h_sort->sort_name(); if (menuitems) { free(menuitems); menuitems = NULL; } menuitems = (Fl_Menu_Item*) calloc(h->get_num(), sizeof(Fl_Menu_Item) + 1); j = 0; for (i=0; iget_num(); i++) { if (h_sort->get(i)->duplicate) { continue; } menuitems[j].text = h_sort->get(i)->name; menuitems[j].user_data(h_sort->get(i)); j++; } mb->menu(menuitems); mb->callback((Fl_Callback*) static_menu_cb, this); delete h_sort; } void GipfelWidget::set_height_dist_ratio(double r) { Hills *h; pan->set_height_dist_ratio(r); h = pan->get_visible_mountains(); set_labels(h); menuitems = (Fl_Menu_Item*) calloc(h->get_num(), sizeof(Fl_Menu_Item) + 1); update_menuitems(pan->get_close_mountains()); redraw(); } void GipfelWidget::set_view_lat(double v) { pan->set_view_lat(v); set_labels(pan->get_visible_mountains()); redraw(); } void GipfelWidget::set_view_long(double v) { pan->set_view_long(v); set_labels(pan->get_visible_mountains()); redraw(); } void GipfelWidget::set_view_height(double v) { pan->set_view_height(v); set_labels(pan->get_visible_mountains()); redraw(); } int GipfelWidget::comp_params() { if (m1 == NULL || m2 == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "Position m1 and m2 first.\n"); return 1; } fl_cursor(FL_CURSOR_WAIT); pan->comp_params(m1, m2); set_labels(pan->get_visible_mountains()); redraw(); fl_cursor(FL_CURSOR_DEFAULT); } int GipfelWidget::guess() { if (m1 == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "Position m1 first.\n"); return 1; } fl_cursor(FL_CURSOR_WAIT); pan->guess(marker, m1); set_labels(pan->get_visible_mountains()); redraw(); fl_cursor(FL_CURSOR_DEFAULT); } int GipfelWidget::update() { redraw(); Fl::wait(1.0); } int GipfelWidget::handle(int event) { int mark_x, mark_y; switch(event) { case FL_PUSH: if (Fl::event_button() == 1) { mark_x = Fl::event_x()-x(); mark_y = Fl::event_y()-y(); set_cur_mountain(mark_x, mark_y); Fl::focus(this); return 1; } break; case FL_DRAG: set_mountain(Fl::event_x()-x(), Fl::event_y()-y()); return 1; break; case FL_FOCUS: return 1; break; case FL_UNFOCUS: return 0; break; } return 0; }