// // Copyright 2006-2009 Johannes Hofmann // // This software may be used and distributed according to the terms // of the GNU General Public License, incorporated herein by reference. #include #include #include #include #include "Hill.H" static double pi_d, deg2rad; Hill::Hill(const char *n, double p, double l, double h) { name = strdup(n); phi = p; lam = l; height = h; alph = 0.0; x = 0; y = 0; flags = 0; } Hill::Hill(const Hill& h) { name = strdup(h.name); phi = h.phi; lam = h.lam; height = h.height; alph = h.alph; dist = h.dist; x = h.x; y = h.y; label_x = h.label_x; label_y = h.label_y; flags = h.flags; } Hill::Hill(double x_tmp, double y_tmp) { name = NULL; phi = 0.0; lam = 0.0; height = 0.0; alph = 0.0; x = x_tmp; y = y_tmp; } Hill::~Hill() { if (name) free(name); } Hills::Hills() { num = 0; cap = 100; m = (Hill **) malloc(cap * sizeof(Hill *)); pi_d = asin(1.0) * 2.0; deg2rad = pi_d / 180.0; } Hills::Hills(const Hills *h) { num = h->num; cap = h->cap; m = (Hill **) malloc(cap * sizeof(Hill *)); memcpy(m, h->m, cap * sizeof(Hill *)); pi_d = asin(1.0) * 2.0; deg2rad = pi_d / 180.0; } int Hills::load(const char *file) { FILE *fp; char buf[4000]; char *vals[10]; char **ap, *bp; double phi, lam, height; Hill *m; int n; fp = fopen(file, "r"); if (!fp) { perror("fopen"); return 1; } while (fgets(buf, sizeof(buf), fp)) { bp = buf; memset(vals, 0, sizeof(vals)); n = 0; for (ap = vals; (*ap = strsep(&bp, ",")) != NULL;) { n++; if (++ap >= &vals[10]) break; } // standard format including name and description if (n == 6 && vals[1] && vals [3] && vals[4] && vals[5]) { phi = atof(vals[3]) * deg2rad; lam = atof(vals[4]) * deg2rad; height = atof(vals[5]); m = new Hill(vals[1], phi, lam, height); add(m); // track point format } else if (n == 3 && vals[0] && vals[1] && vals[2]) { phi = atof(vals[0]) * deg2rad; lam = atof(vals[1]) * deg2rad; height = atof(vals[2]); m = new Hill("", phi, lam, height); add(m); } } fclose(fp); return 0; } void Hills::mark_duplicates(double dist) { Hill *m, *n; int i, j; sort(SORT_PHI); for(i=0; iflags & Hill::TRACK_POINT) continue; if (m) { j = i + 1; n = get(j); while (n && fabs(n->phi - m->phi) <= dist) { if (! n->flags & Hill::DUPLICATE) { if (fabs(n->lam - m->lam) <= dist && fabs(n->height - m->height) <= 50.0 ) { n->flags |= Hill::DUPLICATE; } } j = j + 1; n = get(j); } } } } Hills::~Hills() { if (m) free(m); } void Hills::add(Hill *m1) { if (num >= cap) { cap = cap ? cap * 2 : 100; m = (Hill **) realloc(m, cap * sizeof(Hill *)); } m[num++] = m1; } void Hills::add(Hills *h) { for (int i=0; iget_num(); i++) add(h->get(i)); } static int comp_mountains_alpha(const void *n1, const void *n2) { Hill *m1 = *(Hill **)n1; Hill *m2 = *(Hill **)n2; if (m1 && m2) { if (m1->alph < m2->alph) return 1; else if (m1->alph > m2->alph) return -1; else return 0; } else { return 0; } } static int comp_mountains_phi(const void *n1, const void *n2) { Hill *m1 = *(Hill **)n1; Hill *m2 = *(Hill **)n2; if (m1 && m2) { if (m1->phi < m2->phi) return 1; else if (m1->phi > m2->phi) return -1; else return 0; } else { return 0; } } static int comp_mountains_name(const void *n1, const void *n2) { Hill *m1 = *(Hill **)n1; Hill *m2 = *(Hill **)n2; int r; if (m1 && m2) { r = strcasecmp(m1->name, m2->name); if (r == 0) return (int) (m1->height - m2->height); else return r; } else { return 0; } } static int comp_mountains_label_y(const void *n1, const void *n2) { Hill *m1 = *(Hill **)n1; Hill *m2 = *(Hill **)n2; if (m1 && m2) { if ((m2->y + m2->label_y) > (m1->y + m1->label_y)) return 1; else if ((m2->y + m2->label_y) < (m1->y + m1->label_y)) return -1; else return 0; } else { return 0; } } void Hills::sort(SortType t) { int (*cmp)(const void *, const void *); if (!m) return; switch (t) { case SORT_ALPHA: cmp = comp_mountains_alpha; break; case SORT_PHI: cmp = comp_mountains_phi; break; case SORT_NAME: cmp = comp_mountains_name; break; case SORT_LABEL_Y: cmp = comp_mountains_label_y; break; default: fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: Unknown sort type %d\n", t); return; } qsort(m, num, sizeof(Hill *), cmp); } void Hills::clear() { if (m) { free(m); m = NULL; } cap = 0; num = 0; } int Hills::contains(const Hill *m) const { for (int i = 0; i < get_num(); i++) if (get(i) == m) return 1; return 0; } void Hills::remove(const Hill *h) { for (int i = 0; i < get_num(); i++) { if (get(i) == h) { memmove(&m[i], &m[i+1], (get_num() - i - 1) * sizeof(Hill*)); num--; } } } void Hills::clobber() { int i; for (i = 0; i < get_num(); i++) if (get(i)) delete(get(i)); clear(); } Hill * Hills::get(int n) const { if (n < 0 || n >= num) return NULL; else return m[n]; }