// // "$Id: Panorama.cxx,v 1.26 2005/05/05 11:02:07 hofmann Exp $" // // Panorama routines. // // Copyright 2004 by Johannes Hofmann // // This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or // modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public // License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either // version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. // // This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU // Library General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public // License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software // Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 // USA. // #include #include #include #include extern "C" { #include } #include "GipfelWidget.H" #include "Panorama.H" static int newton(double *tan_nick_view, double *tan_dir_view, double *n_scale, double tan_dir_m1, double tan_nick_m1, double tan_dir_m2, double tan_nick_m2, double d_m1_2, double d_m2_2, double d_m1_m2_2); static double comp_tilt(double tan_nick_view, double tan_dir_view, double n_scale, double tan_nick_m, double tan_dir_m, double x, double y); #define EARTH_RADIUS 6371010.0 static double pi_d, deg2rad; Panorama::Panorama() { m1 = NULL; m2 = NULL; mountains = new Mountains(); visible_mountains = new Mountains(); height_dist_ratio = 0.07; pi_d = asin(1.0) * 2.0; deg2rad = pi_d / 180.0; a_center = 0.0; a_nick = 0.0; a_tilt = 0.0; scale = 500.0; } Panorama::~Panorama() { visible_mountains->clear(); mountains->clobber(); delete(visible_mountains); delete(mountains); } int Panorama::load_file(const char *name) { FILE *fp; char buf[4000]; char *vals[10]; char **ap, *bp; double phi, lam, height; Mountain *m; visible_mountains->clear(); mountains->clobber(); fp = fopen(name, "r"); if (!fp) { perror("fopen"); return 1; } while (fgets(buf, sizeof(buf), fp)) { bp = buf; for (ap = vals; (*ap = strsep(&bp, ",")) != NULL;) if (++ap >= &vals[10]) break; phi = atof(vals[3]) * deg2rad; lam = atof(vals[4]) * deg2rad; height = atof(vals[5]); m = new Mountain(vals[1], phi, lam, height); mountains->add(m); } fclose(fp); update_angles(); return 0; } int Panorama::set_viewpoint(const char *name) { if (get_pos(name, &view_phi, &view_lam, &view_height) != 1) { fprintf(stderr, "Could not find exactly one entry for %s.\n"); return 1; } update_angles(); return 0; } Mountains * Panorama::get_visible_mountains() { return visible_mountains; } int Panorama::set_mountain(Mountain *m, int x, int y) { if (m1 && m2 && m != m1 && m != m2) { fprintf(stderr, "Resetting mountains\n"); m1 = NULL; m2 = NULL; } m->x = x; m->y = y; if (m1 == NULL) { m1 = m; fprintf(stderr, "m1=%s\n", m1->name); } else if (m2 == NULL && m != m1) { m2 = m; fprintf(stderr, "m2=%s\n", m2->name); } } double Panorama::get_value(Mountains *p) { int i, j; Mountain *m; double v = 0.0, d_min, d; if (isnan(scale) || isnan(a_center) || isnan(a_tilt) || isnan(a_nick) || scale < 500.0 || scale > 100000.0 || a_nick > pi_d/4.0 || a_nick < - pi_d/4.0 || a_tilt > pi_d/16.0 || a_tilt < - pi_d/16.0) { return 10000000.0; } for (i=0; iget_num(); i++) { d_min = 1000.0; for (j=0; jget_num(); j++) { d = pow(p->get(i)->x - visible_mountains->get(j)->x, 2.0) + pow(p->get(i)->y - visible_mountains->get(j)->y, 2.0); if (d < d_min) { d_min = d; } } v = v + d_min; } return v; } extern GipfelWidget *gipf; int Panorama::guess(Mountains *p) { Mountain *p2, *m_tmp1, *m_tmp2; double best = 100000000.0, v; double a_center_best, a_nick_best, a_tilt_best, scale_best; int x1_sav, y1_sav; int i, j; if (m1 == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "Position one mountain first.\n"); return 1; } m_tmp1 = m1; x1_sav = m1->x; y1_sav = m1->y; for (i=0; iget_num(); i++) { p2 = p->get(i); for (j=0; jget_num(); j++) { m_tmp2 = mountains->get(j); m1 = m_tmp1; m1->x = x1_sav; m1->y = y1_sav; if (fabs(m1->alph - m_tmp2->alph) < pi_d / 2.0 && m_tmp2->height / (m_tmp2->dist * EARTH_RADIUS) > height_dist_ratio) { if (m1 != m_tmp2) { m_tmp2->x = p2->x; m_tmp2->y = p2->y; m2 = m_tmp2; comp_params(); v = get_value(p); if (v < best) { best = v; a_center_best = a_center; a_nick_best = a_nick; a_tilt_best = a_tilt; scale_best = scale; gipf->update(); fprintf(stderr, "best %f\n", best); } } } } } a_center = a_center_best; a_nick = a_nick_best; a_tilt = a_tilt_best; scale = scale_best; fprintf(stderr, "best %f\n", best); fprintf(stderr, "center = %f, scale = %f, nick=%f\n", a_center /deg2rad, scale, a_nick/deg2rad); update_visible_mountains(); return 0; } int Panorama::comp_params() { if (m1 == NULL || m2 == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "Position two mountains first.\n"); m1 = NULL; m2 = NULL; return 1; } x1 = m1->x; y1 = m1->y; x2 = m2->x; y2 = m2->y; a_center = comp_center_angle(m1->alph, m2->alph, x1, x2); scale = comp_scale(m1->alph, m2->alph, x1, x2); a_nick = atan ((y1 + tan(m1->a_nick) * scale) / ( scale - y1 * tan(m1->a_nick))); optimize(); update_visible_mountains(); return 0; } int Panorama::optimize() { int i; double tan_nick_view, tan_dir_view, n_scale; double tan_nick_m1, tan_dir_m1; double tan_nick_m2, tan_dir_m2; double d_m1_2, d_m2_2, d_m1_m2_2; d_m1_2 = pow(x1, 2.0) + pow(y1, 2.0); d_m2_2 = pow(x2, 2.0) + pow(y2, 2.0); d_m1_m2_2 = pow(x1 - x2, 2.0) + pow(y1 - y2, 2.0); tan_nick_view = tan(a_nick); tan_dir_view = tan(a_center); n_scale = scale; tan_dir_m1 = tan(m1->alph); tan_nick_m1 = tan(m1->a_nick); tan_dir_m2 = tan(m2->alph); tan_nick_m2 = tan(m2->a_nick); // fprintf(stderr, "m1: %d, %d; m2: %d, %d\n", x1, y1, x2, y2); d_m1_2 = pow(x1, 2.0) + pow(y1, 2.0); d_m2_2 = pow(x2, 2.0) + pow(y2, 2.0); d_m1_m2_2 = pow(x1 - x2, 2.0) + pow(y1 - y2, 2.0); // fprintf(stderr, "d_m1_2 %f, d_m2_2 %f, d_m1_m2_2 %f\n", // d_m1_2, d_m2_2, d_m1_m2_2); for (i=0; i<5; i++) { newton(&tan_nick_view, &tan_dir_view, &n_scale, tan_dir_m1, tan_nick_m1, tan_dir_m2, tan_nick_m2, d_m1_2, d_m2_2, d_m1_m2_2); } a_nick = atan(tan_nick_view); a_center = atan(tan_dir_view); if (fabs(a_center - m1->alph) > pi_d/2.0) { a_center = a_center + pi_d; } if (a_center > 2.0 * pi_d) { a_center = a_center - 2.0 * pi_d; } else if (a_center < 0.0) { a_center = a_center + 2.0 * pi_d; } scale = n_scale; // use the point with greater distance from center for tilt computation if (d_m1_2 > d_m2_2) { a_tilt = comp_tilt(tan_nick_view, tan_dir_view, n_scale, tan_nick_m1, tan_dir_m1, (double) x1, (double) y1); } else { a_tilt = comp_tilt(tan_nick_view, tan_dir_view, n_scale, tan_nick_m2, tan_dir_m2, (double) x2, (double) y2); } return 0; } void Panorama::set_center_angle(double a) { a_center = a; update_visible_mountains(); } void Panorama::set_nick_angle(double a) { a_nick = a; fprintf(stderr, "-->nick%f\n", a_nick/deg2rad); update_coordinates(); } void Panorama::set_tilt_angle(double a) { a_tilt = a; fprintf(stderr, "-->tilt%f\n", a_tilt/deg2rad); update_coordinates(); } void Panorama::set_scale(double s) { scale = s; update_coordinates(); } void Panorama::set_height_dist_ratio(double r) { height_dist_ratio = r; update_visible_mountains(); } int Panorama::get_pos(const char *name, double *phi, double *lam, double *height) { int i; int found = 0; double p, l, h; Mountain *m; for (i=0; iget_num(); i++) { m = mountains->get(i); if (strcmp(m->name, name) == 0) { p = m->phi; l = m->lam; h = m->height; fprintf(stderr, "Found matching entry: %s (%fm)\n", m->name, m->height); found++; } } if (found == 1) { *phi = p; *lam = l; *height = h; } return found; } void Panorama::update_angles() { int i; Mountain *m; for (i=0; iget_num(); i++) { m = mountains->get(i); m->dist = distance(m->phi, m->lam); if (m->phi != view_phi || m->lam != view_lam) { m->alph = alpha(m->phi, m->lam); m->a_nick = nick(m->dist, m->height); } } mountains->sort(); update_visible_mountains(); } void Panorama::update_visible_mountains() { int i; Mountain *m; visible_mountains->clear(); for (i=0; iget_num(); i++) { m = mountains->get(i); if ((m->phi != view_phi || m->lam != view_lam) && (m->height / (m->dist * EARTH_RADIUS) > height_dist_ratio)) { m->a_view = m->alph - a_center; if (m->a_view > pi_d) { m->a_view -= 2.0*pi_d; } else if (m->a_view < -pi_d) { m->a_view += 2.0*pi_d; } if (m->a_view < pi_d / 2.0 && m->a_view > - pi_d / 2.0) { visible_mountains->add(m); } } } update_coordinates(); } void Panorama::update_coordinates() { int i; double x_tmp, y_tmp; Mountain *m; for (i=0; iget_num(); i++) { m = visible_mountains->get(i); x_tmp = tan(m->a_view) * scale; y_tmp = - (tan(m->a_nick - a_nick) * scale); // rotate by a_tilt; m->x = (int) rint(x_tmp * cos(a_tilt) - y_tmp * sin(a_tilt)); m->y = (int) rint(x_tmp * sin(a_tilt) + y_tmp * cos(a_tilt)); } } double Panorama::distance(double phi, double lam) { return acos(sin(view_phi) * sin(phi) + cos(view_phi) * cos(phi) * cos(view_lam - lam)); } double Panorama::sin_alpha(double lam, double phi, double c) { return sin(lam - view_lam) * cos(phi) / sin(c); } double Panorama::cos_alpha(double phi, double c) { return (sin(phi) - sin(view_phi) * cos(c)) / (cos(view_phi) * sin(c)); } double Panorama::alpha(double phi, double lam) { double dist, sin_alph, cos_alph, alph; dist = distance(phi, lam); sin_alph = sin_alpha(lam, phi, dist); cos_alph = cos_alpha(phi, dist); if (sin_alph > 0) { alph = acos(cos_alph); } else { alph = 2.0 * pi_d - acos(cos_alph); } if (alph > 2.0 * pi_d) { alph = alph - 2.0 * pi_d; } else if (alph < 0.0) { alph = alph + 2.0 * pi_d; } return alph; } double Panorama::comp_center_angle(double a1, double a2, double d1, double d2) { double sign1 = 1.0; double tan_acenter, tan_a1, tan_a2; tan_a1 = tan(a1); tan_a2 = tan(a2); tan_acenter = (((pow(((pow((1.0 + (tan_a1 * tan_a2)), 2.0) * ((d1 * d1) + (d2 * d2))) + (2.0 * d1 * d2 * ((2.0 * ((tan_a2 * tan_a1) - (tan_a2 * tan_a2))) - ((tan_a1 * tan_a1) * (2.0 + (tan_a2 * tan_a2))) - 1.0))), (1.0 / 2.0)) * sign1) + ((1.0 - (tan_a1 * tan_a2)) * (d1 - d2))) / (2.0 * ((d2 * tan_a2) - (d1 * tan_a1)))); return atan(tan_acenter) + pi_d; } double Panorama::comp_scale(double a1, double a2, double d1, double d2) { double sign1 = 1.0; double sc, tan_a1, tan_a2; tan_a1 = tan(a1); tan_a2 = tan(a2); sc = ((((1.0 + (tan_a1 * tan_a2)) * (d1 - d2)) - (sign1 * pow((((1.0 + pow((tan_a1 * tan_a2), 2.0)) * ((d1 * d1) + (d2 * d2))) + (2.0 * ((tan_a1 * tan_a2 * pow((d1 + d2), 2.0)) - (d1 * d2 * (((tan_a1 * tan_a1) * (2.0 + (tan_a2 * tan_a2))) + 1.0 + (2.0 * (tan_a2 * tan_a2))))))), (1.0 / 2.0)))) / (2.0 * (tan_a1 - tan_a2))); return sc; } double Panorama::nick(double dist, double height) { double a, b, c; double beta; b = height + EARTH_RADIUS; c = view_height + EARTH_RADIUS; a = pow(((b * (b - (2.0 * c * cos(dist)))) + (c * c)), (1.0 / 2.0)); beta = acos((-(b*b) + (a*a) + (c*c))/(2 * a * c)); return beta - pi_d / 2.0; } // // // static int get_matrix(double m[], double tan_nick_view, double tan_dir_view, double n_scale, double tan_dir_m1, double tan_nick_m1, double tan_dir_m2, double tan_nick_m2) { m[0] = pow(n_scale,2.0)*(1.0/pow((tan_nick_m1*tan_nick_view + 1.0),2.0)*(2.0*tan_nick_m1 - 2.0 * tan_nick_view) + 2.0*tan_nick_m1*pow((tan_nick_m1 - tan_nick_view), 2.0)/pow((tan_nick_m1*tan_nick_view + 1.0), 3.0)); m[1] = pow(n_scale, 2.0) *(1.0/pow((tan_dir_m1*tan_dir_view + 1.0), 2.0) * (2.0*tan_dir_m1 - 2.0*tan_dir_view) + 2.0*tan_dir_m1*pow((tan_dir_m1 - tan_dir_view),2.0) / pow((tan_dir_m1*tan_dir_view + 1.0), 3.0)); m[2] = -2.0*n_scale*(pow((tan_dir_m1 - tan_dir_view), 2.0)/pow((tan_dir_m1*tan_dir_view + 1.0), 2.0) + pow((tan_nick_m1 - tan_nick_view), 2.0)/pow((tan_nick_m1*tan_nick_view + 1.0), 2.0)); m[3] = pow(n_scale, 2.0)*(1.0/pow((tan_nick_m2*tan_nick_view + 1.0), 2.0)*(2.0*tan_nick_m2 - 2.0*tan_nick_view) + 2.0*tan_nick_m2*pow((tan_nick_m2 - tan_nick_view), 2.0)/pow((tan_nick_m2*tan_nick_view + 1.0), 3.0)); m[4] = pow(n_scale, 2.0)*(1.0/pow((tan_dir_m2*tan_dir_view + 1.0), 2.0)*(2.0*tan_dir_m2 - 2.0*tan_dir_view) + 2.0*tan_dir_m2*pow((tan_dir_m2 - tan_dir_view), 2.0)/pow((tan_dir_m2*tan_dir_view + 1.0), 3.0)); m[5] = -2.0*n_scale*(pow((tan_dir_m2 - tan_dir_view), 2.0)/pow((tan_dir_m2*tan_dir_view + 1.0), 2.0) + pow((tan_nick_m2 - tan_nick_view), 2.0)/pow((tan_nick_m2*tan_nick_view + 1.0), 2.0)); m[6] = 2.0*(n_scale*(tan_nick_m1 - tan_nick_view)/(tan_nick_m1*tan_nick_view + 1.0) - n_scale*(tan_nick_m2 - tan_nick_view)/(tan_nick_m2*tan_nick_view + 1.0))*(n_scale/(tan_nick_m1*tan_nick_view + 1.0) - n_scale/(tan_nick_m2*tan_nick_view + 1.0) + tan_nick_m1*n_scale*(tan_nick_m1 - tan_nick_view)/pow((tan_nick_m1*tan_nick_view + 1.0), 2.0) - tan_nick_m2*n_scale*(tan_nick_m2 - tan_nick_view)/pow((tan_nick_m2*tan_nick_view + 1.0),2.0)); m[7] = 2.0*(n_scale*(tan_dir_m1 - tan_dir_view)/(tan_dir_m1*tan_dir_view + 1.0) - n_scale*(tan_dir_m2 - tan_dir_view)/(tan_dir_m2*tan_dir_view + 1.0))*(n_scale/(tan_dir_m1*tan_dir_view + 1.0) - n_scale/(tan_dir_m2*tan_dir_view + 1.0) + tan_dir_m1*n_scale*(tan_dir_m1 - tan_dir_view)/pow((tan_dir_m1*tan_dir_view + 1.0), 2.0) - tan_dir_m2*n_scale*(tan_dir_m2 - tan_dir_view)/pow((tan_dir_m2*tan_dir_view + 1.0), 2.0)); m[8] = - 2.0*(n_scale*(tan_dir_m1 - tan_dir_view)/(tan_dir_m1*tan_dir_view + 1.0) - n_scale*(tan_dir_m2 - tan_dir_view)/(tan_dir_m2*tan_dir_view + 1.0))*((tan_dir_m1 - tan_dir_view)/(tan_dir_m1*tan_dir_view + 1.0) - (tan_dir_m2 - tan_dir_view)/(tan_dir_m2*tan_dir_view + 1.0)) - 2.0*(n_scale*(tan_nick_m1 - tan_nick_view)/(tan_nick_m1*tan_nick_view + 1.0) - n_scale*(tan_nick_m2 - tan_nick_view)/(tan_nick_m2*tan_nick_view + 1.0))*((tan_nick_m1 - tan_nick_view)/(tan_nick_m1*tan_nick_view + 1.0) - (tan_nick_m2 - tan_nick_view)/(tan_nick_m2*tan_nick_view + 1.0)); return 0; } static int newton(double *tan_nick_view, double *tan_dir_view, double *n_scale, double tan_dir_m1, double tan_nick_m1, double tan_dir_m2, double tan_nick_m2, double d_m1_2, double d_m2_2, double d_m1_m2_2) { double a[9]; double b[3]; double a_x0[3], f_x0 [3], x0[3]; int ret; get_matrix(a, *tan_nick_view, *tan_dir_view, *n_scale, tan_dir_m1, tan_nick_m1, tan_dir_m2, tan_nick_m2); f_x0[0] = d_m1_2 - (pow((*tan_nick_view-tan_nick_m1),2.0)/pow((tan_nick_m1**tan_nick_view+1), 2.0)+pow((*tan_dir_view-tan_dir_m1),2.0)/pow((tan_dir_m1**tan_dir_view+1),2.0))*pow(*n_scale, 2.0); f_x0[1] = d_m2_2 - (pow((*tan_nick_view-tan_nick_m2),2.0)/pow((tan_nick_m2**tan_nick_view+1),2.0)+pow((*tan_dir_view-tan_dir_m2),2.0)/pow((tan_dir_m2**tan_dir_view+1),2.0))*pow(*n_scale, 2.0); f_x0[2] = d_m1_m2_2 - (pow((- (((*tan_dir_view - tan_dir_m1) * *n_scale) / (tan_dir_m1 * *tan_dir_view + 1.0)) + (((*tan_dir_view - tan_dir_m2) * *n_scale) / (tan_dir_m2 * *tan_dir_view + 1))), 2.0) + pow((- (((*tan_nick_view - tan_nick_m1) * *n_scale) / (tan_nick_m1 * *tan_nick_view + 1)) + ((*tan_nick_view - tan_nick_m2) * *n_scale) / (tan_nick_m2 * *tan_nick_view + 1)), 2.0)); // fprintf(stderr, "f_x0[0] %f, f_x0[1] %f, f_x0[2] %f\n", // f_x0[0], f_x0[1], f_x0[2]); x0[0] = *tan_nick_view; x0[1] = *tan_dir_view; x0[2] = *n_scale; rmmult(a_x0, a, x0, 3, 3, 1); b[0] = a_x0[0] - f_x0[0]; b[1] = a_x0[1] - f_x0[1]; b[2] = a_x0[2] - f_x0[2]; ret = solv(a, b, 3); *tan_nick_view = b[0]; *tan_dir_view = b[1]; *n_scale = b[2]; return 0; } static double comp_tilt(double tan_nick_view, double tan_dir_view, double n_scale, double tan_nick_m, double tan_dir_m, double x, double y) { double y_tmp, x_tmp, sin_a_tilt1, sin_a_tilt2, sin_a_tilt, res; y_tmp = - (((tan_nick_view - tan_nick_m) * n_scale) / (tan_nick_m * tan_nick_view + 1)); x_tmp = - (((tan_dir_view - tan_dir_m) * n_scale) / (tan_dir_m * tan_dir_view + 1)); sin_a_tilt1 = - (y * - pow(x*x + y*y - y_tmp*y_tmp, 0.5) - x * y_tmp) / (x*x + y*y); sin_a_tilt2 = - (y * pow(x*x + y*y - y_tmp*y_tmp, 0.5) - x * y_tmp) / (x*x + y*y); sin_a_tilt = fabs(sin_a_tilt1) < fabs(sin_a_tilt2)?sin_a_tilt1:sin_a_tilt2; res = asin(sin_a_tilt); if (res > pi_d / 4.0) { res = res - pi_d / 2.0; } else if (res < -pi_d / 4.0) { res = res + pi_d / 2.0; } return res; }