// // Copyright 2007 Johannes Hofmann // // This software may be used and distributed according to the terms // of the GNU General Public License, incorporated herein by reference. #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "Fl_Value_Dial.H" #include "Fl_Search_Chooser.H" #include "GipfelWidget.H" #include "JPEGOutputImage.H" #include "TIFFOutputImage.H" #include "PreviewOutputImage.H" #include "Stitch.H" #include "choose_hill.H" #include "../config.h" #ifndef DATADIR #define DATADIR "/usr/local/share" #endif #define DEFAULT_DATAFILE DATADIR "/" PACKAGE_NAME "/alpinkoordinaten.dat" char *img_file = NULL; char *data_file = DEFAULT_DATAFILE; GipfelWidget *gipf = NULL; Fl_Scroll *scroll; Fl_Window *control_win, *view_win; Fl_Dial *s_center = NULL; Fl_Slider *s_nick, *s_focal_length, *s_tilt, *s_height_dist, *s_track_width; Fl_Value_Input *i_view_lat, *i_view_long, *i_view_height; Fl_Value_Input *i_distortion_k0, *i_distortion_k1, *i_distortion_x0; Fl_Box *b_viewpoint; Fl_Menu_Bar *mb; #define STITCH_PREVIEW 1 #define STITCH_JPEG 2 #define STITCH_TIFF 4 static int stitch(GipfelWidget::sample_mode_t m , int b_16, int stitch_w, int stitch_h, double from, double to, int type, const char *path, int argc, char **argv); static int export_hills(const char *export_file, double visibility); static int export_position(); static int confirm_overwrite(const char *f) { struct stat sb; if (stat(f, &sb) == 0) return fl_choice("%s exists.\n", "Cancel", "Overwrite", NULL, f); else return 1; } void set_values() { double k0 = 0.0, k1 = 0.0, x0 = 0.0; s_center->value(gipf->get_center_angle()); s_nick->value(gipf->get_nick_angle()); s_focal_length->value(gipf->get_focal_length_35mm()); s_tilt->value(gipf->get_tilt_angle()); s_height_dist->value(gipf->get_height_dist_ratio()); i_view_lat->value(gipf->get_view_lat()); i_view_long->value(gipf->get_view_long()); i_view_height->value(gipf->get_view_height()); b_viewpoint->label(gipf->get_viewpoint()); if (gipf->projection() == ProjectionLSQ::RECTILINEAR) { mb->mode(8, FL_MENU_RADIO|FL_MENU_VALUE); mb->mode(9, FL_MENU_RADIO); } else { mb->mode(9, FL_MENU_RADIO|FL_MENU_VALUE); mb->mode(8, FL_MENU_RADIO); } gipf->get_distortion_params(&k0, &k1, &x0); i_distortion_k0->value(k0); i_distortion_k1->value(k1); i_distortion_x0->value(x0); } void quit_cb() { exit(0); } void open_cb() { char *file = fl_file_chooser("Open File?", "*.jpg", img_file); if (file) { gipf->load_image(file); scroll->position(0, 0); view_win->label(file); view_win->redraw(); control_win->label(file); set_values(); if (img_file) free(img_file); img_file = strdup(file); } } void track_cb() { char *file = fl_file_chooser("Track File?", NULL, NULL); if (file && gipf->load_track(file) == 0) s_track_width->activate(); } void save_cb() { char *file = fl_file_chooser("Save Image As?", NULL, img_file); if (file && confirm_overwrite(file)) if (gipf->save_image(file)) fl_message("ERROR: Saving image %s failed.", file); } void focal_length_cb(Fl_Slider* o, void*) { gipf->set_focal_length_35mm(o->value()); } void angle_cb(Fl_Slider* o, void*) { gipf->set_center_angle(o->value()); } void nick_cb(Fl_Slider* o, void*) { gipf->set_nick_angle(o->value()); } void tilt_cb(Fl_Slider* o, void*) { gipf->set_tilt_angle(o->value()); } void h_d_cb(Fl_Slider* o, void*) { gipf->set_height_dist_ratio(o->value()); } void view_lat_cb(Fl_Value_Input* o, void*) { gipf->set_view_lat(o->value()); } void view_long_cb(Fl_Value_Input* o, void*) { gipf->set_view_long(o->value()); } void view_height_cb(Fl_Value_Input* o, void*) { gipf->set_view_height(o->value()); } void track_width_cb(Fl_Value_Input* o, void*) { gipf->set_track_width(o->value()); } void viewpoint_cb(Fl_Value_Input* o, void*) { Hill *m = choose_hill(gipf->get_mountains(), "Choose Viewpoint"); if (m) { gipf->set_viewpoint(m); set_values(); } } void proj_cb(Fl_Value_Input* o, void*d) { if (d) gipf->projection(ProjectionLSQ::CYLINDRICAL); else gipf->projection(ProjectionLSQ::RECTILINEAR); } void hidden_cb(Fl_Menu_* o, void*d) { gipf->set_show_hidden(o->mvalue()->value()); } void comp_cb(Fl_Widget *, void *) { gipf->comp_params(); set_values(); } void save_distortion_cb(Fl_Widget *, void *) { char buf[1024]; const char * prof_name; double k0, k1, x0; buf[0] = '\0'; gipf->get_distortion_params(&k0, &k1, &x0); gipf->get_distortion_profile_name(buf, sizeof(buf)); prof_name = fl_input("Save Distortion Profile (k0=%f, k1=%f, x0=%f)", buf, k0, k1, x0); if (prof_name == NULL) { return; } if (gipf->save_distortion_params(prof_name, 0) != 0) { if (fl_choice("A profile with this name exists.\n", "Cancel", "Overwrite", NULL) == 1) { gipf->save_distortion_params(prof_name, 1); } } set_values(); } void load_distortion_cb(Fl_Widget *, void *) { char buf[1024]; const char * prof_name; buf[0] = '\0'; gipf->get_distortion_profile_name(buf, sizeof(buf)); prof_name = fl_input("Load Distortion Profile", buf); if (prof_name == NULL) { return; } if (gipf->load_distortion_params(prof_name) != 0) { fl_alert("Could not load profile %s.", prof_name); } else { set_values(); } } void distortion_cb(Fl_Value_Input*, void*) { gipf->set_distortion_params( i_distortion_k0->value(), i_distortion_k1->value(), i_distortion_x0->value()); } void about_cb() { fl_message("gipfel -- and you know what you see.\n" "Version %s\n\n" "(c) Johannes Hofmann 2006-2008\n\n" "Default datafile by http://www.alpin-koordinaten.de\n", VERSION); } void fill_menubar(Fl_Menu_Bar* mb) { mb->add("&File/L&oad Image", FL_CTRL+'o', (Fl_Callback*)open_cb); mb->add("&File/&Save Image", FL_CTRL+'s', (Fl_Callback*)save_cb); mb->add("&File/Choose &Viewpoint", FL_CTRL+'v', (Fl_Callback*)viewpoint_cb); mb->add("&File/Load &Track", FL_CTRL+'t', (Fl_Callback*)track_cb); mb->add("&File/&Quit", FL_CTRL+'q', (Fl_Callback*)quit_cb); mb->add("&Projection/Normal Projection", 0, (Fl_Callback *)proj_cb, (void *)0, FL_MENU_RADIO|FL_MENU_VALUE); mb->add("&Projection/Panoramic Projection", 0, (Fl_Callback *)proj_cb, (void *)1, FL_MENU_RADIO); mb->add("&Distortion/Load Profile", 0, (Fl_Callback *)load_distortion_cb); mb->add("&Distortion/Save Profile", 0, (Fl_Callback *)save_distortion_cb); mb->add("&Option/Show Hidden", 0, (Fl_Callback *) hidden_cb, (void *)0, FL_MENU_TOGGLE); mb->add("&Help/About", 0, (Fl_Callback*)about_cb); } void usage() { fprintf(stderr, "usage: gipfel [-v ] [-d ]\n" " [-s] [-j ] [-t ] [-h ]\n" " [-e ] [-E] [-p]\n" " []\n" " -v Set point from which the picture was taken.\n" " This must be a string that unambiguously \n" " matches the name of an entry in the data file.\n" " -d Use for GPS data.\n" " -V Set initial visibility.\n" " -u , Use distortion correction values k0,k1.\n" " -s Stitch mode.\n" " -4 Create 16bit output (only with TIFF stitching).\n" " -r , Stitch range in degrees (e.g. 100.0,200.0).\n" " -b Use bicubic interpolation for stitching.\n" " -w Width of result image.\n" " -h Height of result image.\n" " -j JPEG output file in Stitch mode.\n" " -t TIFF output file in Stitch mode.\n" " -p Export position of image to stdout.\n" " -e Export positions of hills from on image.\n" " -E Export hills from default data file.\n" " JPEG file(s) to use.\n"); } Fl_Window * create_control_window() { Fl_Window *win = new Fl_Window(400,400); mb = new Fl_Menu_Bar(0, 0, 400, 30); fill_menubar(mb); s_center = new Fl_Value_Dial(40, 60, 150, 150, NULL); s_center->type(FL_LINE_DIAL); s_center->labelsize(10); s_center->step(0.01); s_center->bounds(0.0, 360.0); s_center->angles(180, 540); s_center->callback((Fl_Callback*)angle_cb); win->add(new Fl_Box(95, 40, 40, 20, "North")); win->add(new Fl_Box(95, 210, 40, 20, "South")); win->add(new Fl_Box(190, 125, 40, 20, "East")); win->add(new Fl_Box(0, 125, 40, 20, "West")); s_focal_length = new Fl_Value_Slider(235, 60, 160, 15, "Focal Length in 35mm"); s_focal_length->type(1); s_focal_length->box(FL_THIN_DOWN_BOX); s_focal_length->labelsize(10); s_focal_length->step(0.01); s_focal_length->bounds(1.0, 300.0); s_focal_length->slider(FL_UP_BOX); s_focal_length->callback((Fl_Callback*)focal_length_cb); s_focal_length->align(FL_ALIGN_TOP); s_nick = new Fl_Value_Slider(235, 90, 160, 15, "Nick (deg.)"); s_nick->type(1); s_nick->box(FL_THIN_DOWN_BOX); s_nick->labelsize(10); s_nick->step(0.01); s_nick->bounds(-40.0, 20.0); s_nick->slider(FL_UP_BOX); s_nick->callback((Fl_Callback*)nick_cb); s_nick->align(FL_ALIGN_TOP); s_tilt = new Fl_Value_Slider(235, 120, 160, 15, "Tilt (deg.)"); s_tilt->type(1); s_tilt->box(FL_THIN_DOWN_BOX); s_tilt->labelsize(10); s_tilt->step(0.01); s_tilt->bounds(-10.0, 10.0); s_tilt->slider(FL_UP_BOX); s_tilt->callback((Fl_Callback*)tilt_cb); s_tilt->align(FL_ALIGN_TOP); s_height_dist = new Fl_Value_Slider(235, 150, 160, 15, "Visibility"); s_height_dist->type(1); s_height_dist->box(FL_THIN_DOWN_BOX); s_height_dist->labelsize(10); s_height_dist->step(-0.001); s_height_dist->bounds(0.1, 0.01); s_height_dist->slider(FL_UP_BOX); s_height_dist->callback((Fl_Callback*)h_d_cb); s_height_dist->align(FL_ALIGN_TOP); s_track_width = new Fl_Value_Slider(235, 180, 160, 15, "Track Width"); s_track_width->type(1); s_track_width->box(FL_THIN_DOWN_BOX); s_track_width->labelsize(10); s_track_width->step(1.0); s_track_width->bounds(1.0, 500.0); s_track_width->value(200.0); s_track_width->slider(FL_UP_BOX); s_track_width->callback((Fl_Callback*)track_width_cb); s_track_width->align(FL_ALIGN_TOP); s_track_width->deactivate(); // Viewpoint Stuff b_viewpoint = new Fl_Box(FL_DOWN_BOX, 30, 305, 300, 80, ""); b_viewpoint->align(FL_ALIGN_TOP); i_view_lat = new Fl_Value_Input(40, 320, 100, 20, "Latitude"); i_view_lat->labelsize(10); i_view_lat->align(FL_ALIGN_TOP); i_view_lat->when(FL_WHEN_ENTER_KEY); i_view_lat->callback((Fl_Callback*)view_lat_cb); i_view_long = new Fl_Value_Input(200, 320, 100, 20, "Longitude"); i_view_long->labelsize(10); i_view_long->align(FL_ALIGN_TOP); i_view_long->when(FL_WHEN_ENTER_KEY); i_view_long->callback((Fl_Callback*)view_long_cb); i_view_height = new Fl_Value_Input(40, 360, 80, 20, "Height"); i_view_height->labelsize(10); i_view_height->align(FL_ALIGN_TOP); i_view_height->when(FL_WHEN_ENTER_KEY); i_view_height->callback((Fl_Callback*)view_height_cb); i_distortion_k0 = new Fl_Value_Input(250, 200, 80, 20, "k0"); i_distortion_k0->labelsize(10); i_distortion_k0->textsize(10); i_distortion_k0->align(FL_ALIGN_LEFT); i_distortion_k0->when(FL_WHEN_ENTER_KEY); i_distortion_k0->callback((Fl_Callback*)distortion_cb); i_distortion_k1 = new Fl_Value_Input(250, 225, 80, 20, "k1"); i_distortion_k1->labelsize(10); i_distortion_k1->textsize(10); i_distortion_k1->align(FL_ALIGN_LEFT); i_distortion_k1->when(FL_WHEN_ENTER_KEY); i_distortion_k1->callback((Fl_Callback*)distortion_cb); i_distortion_x0 = new Fl_Value_Input(250, 250, 80, 20, "x0"); i_distortion_x0->labelsize(10); i_distortion_x0->textsize(10); i_distortion_x0->align(FL_ALIGN_LEFT); i_distortion_x0->when(FL_WHEN_ENTER_KEY); i_distortion_x0->callback((Fl_Callback*)distortion_cb); // Buttons Fl_Button *b = new Fl_Button(280, 280, 100, 20, "comp"); b->color(FL_RED); b->tooltip("compute view parameter from given mountains"); b->callback(comp_cb); win->end(); return win; } int main(int argc, char** argv) { char c, **my_argv; char *view_point = NULL; int err, my_argc, sx, sy, sw, sh; int stitch_flag = 0, stitch_w = 2000, stitch_h = 500; int jpeg_flag = 0, tiff_flag = 0, distortion_flag = 0, position_flag = 0; int export_flag = 0; int bicubic_flag = 0, b_16_flag = 0; double stitch_from = 0.0, stitch_to = 380.0; double dist_k0 = 0.0, dist_k1 = 0.0, dist_x0 = 0.0; double visibility = 0.07; char *outpath = "/tmp"; char *export_file = NULL; err = 0; while ((c = getopt(argc, argv, ":?d:v:sw:h:j:t:u:br:4e:V:pE")) != EOF) { switch (c) { case '?': usage(); exit(0); break; case 'd': data_file = optarg; break; case 'e': export_flag++; export_file = optarg; break; case 'E': export_flag++; break; case 'v': view_point = optarg; break; case 'V': visibility = atof(optarg); break; case 's': stitch_flag++; break; case 'p': position_flag++; break; case '4': b_16_flag++; break; case 'r': stitch_flag++; if (optarg && strcmp(optarg, ":")) { stitch_from = atof(optarg); if (strchr(optarg, ',')) { stitch_to = atof(strchr(optarg, ',') + 1); } } break; case 'u': char *c; distortion_flag++; if (optarg && strcmp(optarg, ":")) { dist_k0 = atof(optarg); c = strchr(optarg, ','); if (c) { dist_k1 = atof(strchr(optarg, ',') + 1); c = strchr(c + 1, ','); if (c) { dist_x0 = atof(strchr(optarg, ',') + 1); } } } break; case 'j': jpeg_flag++; outpath = optarg; break; case 't': tiff_flag++; outpath = optarg; break; case 'w': stitch_w = atoi(optarg); break; case 'h': stitch_h = atoi(optarg); break; case 'b': bicubic_flag++; break; default: err++; } } my_argc = argc - optind; my_argv = argv + optind; if (my_argc >= 1) img_file = strdup(my_argv[0]); if (data_file == NULL || err) { usage(); exit(1); } if (stitch_flag) { int type = 0; if (jpeg_flag) { type = STITCH_JPEG; } else if (tiff_flag) { type = STITCH_TIFF; } else { type = STITCH_PREVIEW; } return stitch(bicubic_flag?GipfelWidget::BICUBIC:GipfelWidget::NEAREST, b_16_flag, stitch_w, stitch_h, stitch_from, stitch_to, type, outpath, my_argc, my_argv); } else if (export_flag) { return export_hills(export_file, visibility); } else if (position_flag) { return export_position(); } Fl::get_system_colors(); if (getenv("FLTK_SCHEME")) { Fl::scheme(NULL); } else { Fl::scheme("plastic"); } control_win = create_control_window(); view_win = new Fl_Window(800, 600); // The Fl_Group is used to avoid FL_DAMAGE_ALL in Fl_Scroll::position Fl_Group *g = new Fl_Group(0, 0, view_win->w(), view_win->h()); view_win->resizable(g); scroll = new Fl_Scroll(0, 0, view_win->w(), view_win->h()); gipf = new GipfelWidget(0,0,800,600); if (img_file) { gipf->load_image(img_file); view_win->label(img_file); control_win->label(img_file); } if (distortion_flag) { gipf->set_distortion_params(dist_k0, dist_k1, dist_x0); } Fl::screen_xywh(sx, sy, sw, sh); view_win->size(std::min(gipf->w(), sw), std::min(gipf->h(), sh)); scroll->size(view_win->w(), view_win->h()); gipf->load_data(data_file); gipf->set_height_dist_ratio(visibility); scroll->end(); set_values(); view_win->resizable(scroll); view_win->end(); view_win->show(1, argv); control_win->show(1, argv); if (view_point) { gipf->set_viewpoint(view_point); } else if (img_file && (isnan(gipf->get_view_lat()) || isnan(gipf->get_view_long()))) { viewpoint_cb(NULL, NULL); } return Fl::run(); } static int stitch(GipfelWidget::sample_mode_t m, int b_16, int stitch_w, int stitch_h, double from, double to, int type, const char *path, int argc, char **argv) { Fl_Window *win; Fl_Scroll *scroll; Stitch *st = new Stitch(); for (int i=0; iload_image(argv[i]); } if (type & STITCH_JPEG) { st->set_output(new JPEGOutputImage(path, 90)); st->resample(m, stitch_w, stitch_h, from, to); } else if (type & STITCH_TIFF) { st->set_output(new TIFFOutputImage(path, 90)); st->resample(m, stitch_w, stitch_h, from, to); } else { win = new Fl_Window(0,0, stitch_w, stitch_h); scroll = new Fl_Scroll(0, 0, win->w(), win->h()); PreviewOutputImage *img = new PreviewOutputImage(0, 0, stitch_w, stitch_h); win->resizable(scroll); win->show(0, argv); st->set_output(img); st->resample(m, stitch_w, stitch_h, from, to); img->redraw(); Fl::run(); } return 0; } static int export_hills(const char *export_file, double visibility) { int ret; if (!img_file) { fprintf(stderr, "export: No image file given.\n"); return 1; } gipf = new GipfelWidget(0,0,800,600); gipf->load_image(img_file); gipf->load_data(data_file); gipf->set_height_dist_ratio(visibility); ret = gipf->export_hills(export_file, stdout); delete gipf; gipf = NULL; return ret; } static int export_position() { ImageMetaData md; if (!img_file) { fprintf(stderr, "export: No image file given.\n"); return 1; } if (md.load_image(img_file) == 0) { printf(",%s,,%f,%f,%d\n", img_file, md.latitude(), md.longitude(), (int) rint(md.height())); return 0; } else { return 1; } }